Career Day Ideas for Preschoolers - Talking Passion & Design

I had the privilege to go to my two youngest children's class today for "career day" and talk about my business.  Not only the pride beaming from my babies eyes but to be able to teach all the kids about "passion,’ starting up my own business, and about design…was beyond fun and entertaining.  Now mind you, they are preschoolers, so while I did not use words like "entrepreneur," I did not shy away from teaching them about doing something they love, and building a brand through logo's etc.

I will admit, I was nervous to talk to preschoolers.  After all is said and done, my husband laughed as he said this is a side of me he did not know existed and maybe I should get on stage and wait for it…yes pump up preschoolers!!  If you would like to see for yourself, there is a 6 minute video where you can watch my kid charm in action.  Warning I cringe when I hear my own voice!  Anyone else feel me on that!?!?  If you are talking to a young crowd, there are some things to keep in mind.  Patience!  I am joking but do be prepared when you ask a question for them all to answer at the same time which leads me to my first word of advice…

(1) Engagement – When talking to anyone, you always want to engage but especially this group because their minds cannot stay in one play for a long period of time.  If you just keep talking using words they do not understand without asking them to talk about them in some form, they will be rolling on the floor or picking their nose, all while you talk about “Entrepreneurship” and “Branding”.   I engaged them by asking them to answer questions about “passion” and what gets them really excited.  I told them how design is about textures, patterns, and colors, while asking them what their favorite color is. I had planned interactions showing them a couple logos to see if they knew the brand along with a room we designed (before and after).

(2) Be Prepared – Just because they are preschoolers does not mean you do not need to do a bit of homework and preparation.  I took 30 minutes to sit down and go over the few points I wanted to get across to them, what engaging questions I was going to ask, and thought out my few props I was going to bring.

(3) Get on their level – I sat in a rocking chair very close to them but I even recommend sitting in a kid chair or on the floor with them. They do better when they are on your level.

(4) An Activity – Get them involved.  Bring a prop of something in your job you use that they can see, touch, and pass around.  Do a short activity with them.  I brought in flowers to allow them to take part in “decorating” bouquets for their classroom.  At this age, they are curious and inquisitive and LOVE to do what you do.  Allowing them to be hands on in the process brings them a sense of accomplishment and pride!

(5) Have Fun – And if you have that annoying kid voice (which I do) – Use it!  Be overly excited, animated, and annoying...because you can!  While we may be too much for some in this world, there is never too much of you for children!!

Check out the video!  For those of you who are local in Rochester, NY, this is Holy Cross – Pre- K - Mrs. Stampfer and Mrs. Popovich’s classroom <3


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